Tiger Sonora's Blog

Desperate, but not a housewife…

Of course Tiger isn’t my real name… October 30, 2009

Filed under: Counting down to 50... — Tiger Sonora @ 10:29 pm
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Of course Tiger Sonora isn’t my real name.  I was merely desperate to start my blog…you get impulsive again if you are a woman of a certain age you know. 

Remember that email that went around awhile back — how to figure out your porn name? The name of your first pet and the name of your first street?? Well I lucked out with Tiger Sonora.  I think my husband was Gretchen 7Th Street…that just doesn’t work. 

 I need to be incognito.  I need to blog.  I need to do it now.  I am turning 50. Very, very soon.  And I am leading a life of quiet desperation.  (Thanks Henry David for imbedding that term in my brain so many years ago.)

Like Julie Powell of Julie/Julia I am a government drone.  I write on the side — not particularly successfully.  I also have the pack of successful friends that Julie has in the cobb salad lunch scene of the movie. 

I live in a trendy burb…god knows why…no offspring to drive to soccer, but it must be due to my wasp upbringing that I returned here like a pre-programmed salmon.

I want to break out…Outwardly, I am trying to live the grateful life and love the life I live with grace and all that crap, but now Tiger Sonora is born.  Right now.  She’s going to explore the facts of life …not the spin…not the illusion…want to join her as she slides head first into 50?


No, Tiger Sonora is not my real name…

Filed under: Counting down to 50... — Tiger Sonora @ 9:12 pm

Tiger Sonora

Hi Tiger here! I’m desperate, but not a housewife…careening towards 50. Trying to bust that big blue exercise ball of angst!