Tiger Sonora's Blog

Desperate, but not a housewife…

It should always be aloha and never good-by… November 12, 2009

Filed under: Counting down to 50...,It's just life... — Tiger Sonora @ 5:51 pm

Aloha” means we welcome you,
It means more than words can say.
“Aloha” means good luck to you,
Goodnight at the close of day.

For it’s just like a love song
With a haunting sweet refrain
Bringing you joy, bringing you pain.

“Aloha” means farewell to you
Until we meet again.

Dear World,

Recently I said Good By to Open Salon…I know now it should have been Aloha…while in such a forum (like everywhere else in life) nastiness can flourish, you cannot believe the talented and thoughtful writers and thinkers that hang out there…and you can interact with them! (They are so life-like!) 

I walked away because I could…there’s so many places I am trapped in my life. Yeah, maybe I get paid to take a lot of the crap, and maybe in some parts it’s just part of being in a family unit, but it still isn’t pleasant.  Plus, have you ever hit ice on a black diamond run and your are just flying down the hill out of control with poles, skis, gloves, hat flying…you are kicking and grabbing at the mountain trying to get a toe hold to stop the speed, but there’s just no control…you are at the mercy of gravity?? That’s how I feel right now, pretty much every minute of every day, careening towards 50…I’m there in about three weeks and I’m trying not to land there in a crumpled icy heap…(please don’t piss me off and tell me not to feel that way…I just do…I’m working on it…)

Despite my writing exit, I never could stop reading…

My lesson learned is that it should always be Aloha and never good by… I have to got to get back to OS! I WANT to go back to OS!

Here was my farewell…luckily, I did close with aloha…

“My posts are gone. My blogs are gone. To those who made nasty, hateful comments about my posts, your words are gone.  Thank you to those that were constructive — even if we didn’t see eye to eye.  And thank you to all of you whose posts I enjoyed so much…you made me laugh, cry and think!

Too bad…very little comments and help on my writing…most were comments on how my thoughts were wrong…and my feelings…or right…

To those of you who are the light here…shine on! I just don’t have room in my life right now for sadness and hate…nor do I have time to filter so much to get to the good…maybe later…until then, aloha!”

Those with the light do outshine all the rest…they have continued to make me laugh, cry and think!

World, if you haven’t had the opportunity, I highly recommend you visit Open Salon and consider joining the community…there’s much to learn, much to discuss…much to feel…much to think about…




2 Responses to “It should always be aloha and never good-by…”

  1. Ruthie Says:

    tiger, got your link on my blog…not sure why. maybe the word aloha…love that hawaii, yah?…yes, love os, as well, although i agree about the writing comments, didn’t receive as many as i would have liked. and as far as the place where you are, you are in gREAT company, girly. know that. keep the faith. love to hear from you. blessings,

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