Tiger Sonora's Blog

Desperate, but not a housewife…

Karma, it freaks me out a little… November 16, 2009

Filed under: It's just life... — Tiger Sonora @ 6:54 pm

Going though old pictures over the weekend, the concept of karma popped into my head.  I wonder what exactly karma has done to me…Here’s what I came up with:

  1. Karma is probably why I can’t have kids.  This occurred to me   when I saw the picture of 3 year old Tiger dragging a doll by the hair.  The film of me at this age is even more terrifying…all my dolls had punk hair sticking straight up due to my dragging them around by the hair, and they very generally stripped naked and stuffed together in the stroller that I pushed around with glee.  Did the universe actually think I would do this to my real children?
  1. As a pre-teen during in the dawning of the jogging epidemic that hit in the early 70’s I was HORRIFIED by women with cellulite.  I just thought it was the grossest stuff ever!  And, my Mom’s friends running around in shorts with that cottage cheese stuff just under their skin made me literally look away.  Mom had skinny smooth legs.  Guess I don’t take after my Mom.  Guess who battles cellulite now?  Thanks universe.
  1. At 18 I met a wonderful guy – a handsome, sweet, caring human being, who loved me to pieces.  It was young love at its best.  However, he was a rock & roll guitarist and I was a budding career woman…I didn’t really want to “take care” of a man who didn’t really “earn” a living like I was used to a man doing…It fell apart when I met the accounting major…Now I take care of a man…a doctor no less, who became too ill to work…universe? Are you laughing at my fears?

 What I do to build up my karma: 

  1. Of course I do the driving thing.  I try to build up my karma by letting the lane changer in; or, slowing down for the car to pull out. I do this so when I forget to pull over to the outside lane for my exit, there will be a place for me in the line of traffic.  It’s just good driving karma. It helps get you a parking place too.
  1. Also, while going through the photos and organizing the snap shots and old school pics, I co-mingled my husband’s and my baby pictures! I have always thought that if I co-mingled our old stuff that we brought into the union all up, it would make it harder for us to split up.  Besides love, the real reason we would never split up is because we couldn’t give the dogs a broken home.  However, I co-mingle stuff just for karma’s sake.
  1. And, if you have ever watched Practical Magic (Nicole Kidman, Sandra Bullock movie), I do the little things they recommend.  This may be blending witchcraft and karma, but I figure it can’t hurt.  I always though spilt salt over my left shoulder, plant rosemary by the garden gate, and lavender for luck.

 Luck, peace, best wishes whatever to you!!


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